Acne Treatment

Acne Treatment

What is Acne?

Acne is a condition where the tiny holes on your face known as hair follicle get blocked due to certain reasons. Sebaceous glands that are situated just under your skin can cause Acne when they become overactive and secrete excess oil. This excess oil attracts dirt and germs, thus causing a condition like acne. Some other reasons for Acne include abnormal shedding of dead skin cells of your face and proliferation of acne causing bacteria in your face area. Acne treatment in Delhi would help in controlling this condition.

What is Acne Treatment in Delhi?

Acne is a condition that cannot be cured but the condition can be treated successfully. Best Acne Treatment provided by Skinroots Clinic, helps in treating the acne affected area though there is no permanent cure for Acne. This is because Acne is a physiological condition and not a mere disease. Sometimes, the underlying cause of acne might be genetic and therefore finding a cure might not be easy.

Lifestyle and your diet, though do not directly cause Acne, these factors can certainly exaggerate the issue, if not controlled timely. Consulting the Best Acne Treatment in Delhi would help you get the best treatment from the best skin experts. Further, the skin experts would also guide you about the diet and lifestyle you should practise to avoid the proliferation of Acne.

What are the different ways of Acne Treatment?

Acne can be treated using various oral medications, topical application of medications, and other specialised therapies depending on the criticality and severity of your Acne proliferation.

  • Some of the Oral Medications used to treat Acne include:
    • Antibiotics
    • Anti Androgen Agents oIsotretinoin
    • Oral Contraceptives combination

Though some oral medications might be available over the counter, it is not advisable to take such medications by yourself. Skinroots Clinic, your personal Skin Care Expert, has professional medical experts providing you the perfect oral medication depending upon your skin type and your Acne stage and severity.

  • Some Topical Application used to treat Acne include:
    • Retinoids
    • Antibiotics
    • Azelaic Acid
    • Salicylic Acid

There are specific combinations and drug specifications required to treat your acne and reduce its proliferation. It is advisable to book an appointment with Skinroots Clinic – the Best Acne Treatment centre in Delhi, to get the personalised advice on use of such medication for the best results!

  • Some specialised therapies used to treat Acne include:
    • Chemical Peeling
    • Steroid Injection
    • Light Therapy
    • Drainage and Extraction Methods

These are highly professional therapies that should be done under expert supervision only. Connect with Skinroots clinic today to get the best treatment and therapies today!

Types of Dermatology in skinroots clinic

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